Dreaming about retaliation is usually considered a bad omen or a warning sign. Often, dream dictionaries interpret this dream as dissatisfaction with your current life situation or a desire for revenge against someone.

Decoding the Hidden Meanings of Dreams about Retaliation
Seeking retaliation in a dream may reflect your interest in seeking revenge, which can negatively affect your relationships with others. In a positive sense, a dream about retaliation can be interpreted as a feeling of relief and satisfaction with achieved success or obtaining compensation for the harm you have suffered in the past.
Feeling the need for retaliation
If you feel the need for retaliation in your dream, it signifies that you have unresolved emotional problems related to the harm you have suffered in the past. Perhaps you feel somehow wronged and demand justice. It is worth considering whether retaliation is really the appropriate solution for you, or maybe you should focus on the positive aspects of your life.
Dreaming about being the target of retaliation
If you dream about being the target of retaliation, it is a sign that you are afraid that your actions or words may cause someone to seek revenge against you. It is also possible that you feel threatened by another person or group. Moreover, the dream may indicate your fears or concerns related to conflict or situations in which you have to defend yourself.
Dreaming about witnessing retaliation
This dream suggests that you are witnessing injustice or the need to defend your values. A dream about witnessing retaliation indicates your sensitivity to social problems and the need to react to them.
How often do we dream about retaliation?
Dreaming about retaliation is a common phenomenon and may result from various factors such as past experiences, fears, concerns, or the need for compensation. However, retaliation often does not relate to a specific action but rather reflects our emotions and needs.
Retaliation in Arab Dream Interpretation
According to Arab dream interpretation, retaliation signifies that you feel the need for compensation for the harm you have suffered in the past. Additionally, the dream signals the need to fight for your rights and interests to achieve a sense of justice. According to other sources, a dream about retaliation may warn you of the negative consequences of your actions or words.
Retaliation in Mystic Dream Interpretation
According to mystic dream interpretation, a dream about retaliation indicates that you should focus on the positive aspects of your life and stop dwelling on negative emotions. In another sense, the dream suggests the need for forgiveness and liberation from bad memories.